Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Almost Ready

Well, it's the night before the party, and I'm almost done. I've had a really productive day, as you're about to see. I started with this shirt, that came from a friend, because it had some stains on it. You can't really see them in the picture, but there were a few right in front.

I used the rest of the sweatshirt material that I used for the spikes on the jacket, cut out 2 very cute alligator looking shapes, and pinned them over the stains.

I sewed very slowly (which is so hard for me!) around the edge.

first one.

And two.

Then I took a bat shirt that came from the same friend. Thanks again Kerri!

Added some more sweatshirt material in the shape of a guitar.

And sewed some strings on.

And finished!

Next! This dragon mask comes with a bit of a story.
For Christmas, Samuel got a activity book with this mask in it. He loved it so much and has played with it every day since. The boys' favorite thing to play is prince and dragon with daddy. They run around our not-very-big house roaring and breathing fire and using whatever they find that's sword- and shield-like and fighting to save sleeping beauty (which is my favorite thing to play! :o) ). So finally one day we had a casualty. Our dragon no longer had any fire. So late Saturday night I had another amazingly great idea. I took the plastic out of the bottom of one of those reusable shopping bags and traced the mask and cut it out.

I made slits and tabs just like the paper mask has.

And put it together. I also used some heavy duty glue (E6000) on the back of the mask over the tabs to make sure it lasts a long time.

Then one coat of paint.

And two coats with spots. With holes and elastic through the sides I have one more present finished!

Now for the dragon cake. I made 2 sheet cakes and 1 in a bowl and did my best to create something that I hoped would turn into a dragon. I used the top off of a storage box and covered it with foil so it could be a really big dragon.

Here it is with one coat of icing. Then I put it in the fridge so the icing would harden some.

Then two coats.

Looking better...

And better.

I used cookies cut in half for the spikes and gummy worms for the fire toes and little gummy eyeballs

I have to say that I really surprised myself! I had no idea that it would turn out that good, but I'm really glad it did! 
Well, I have a few more things that I would love to make before the party tomorrow, but if I don't get to it I think what I have so far will be more than enough.
I can't believe I got all this done in one day. Or maybe I should say I can't believe I waited till the day before to get all this done. Oh well, all that matters is that it's done :o)

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