Saturday, April 17, 2010

Unassisted Pregnancy and Home Birth of Caleb Simon

What a special time this was!
I want to share just a few minutes of this pregnancy and birth to hopefully show others that in most cases pregnancy and birth are safe and beautiful to experience! We didn't take unassisted birth lightly, but did lots of homework and weighed many options before we came to this decision. Above all else, we wanted to trust God with the decision we felt was right - the one He had placed on my heart months before I was even pregnant. I am so thankful for this experience, and that I have a husband that was just as committed to it as I was. Tim was there for me in every way! Thank you, I love you!!
I also wanted Tim to add what he enjoyed or took away from this pregnancy and birth that maybe didn't happen in our first 2 births at the hospital.

I really, really, really (can I add more "really"s?) loved this birth experience! It was a night and day difference from the other two. I can't really think of much that was even similar, except that a baby came out. This time was so peaceful, and just felt like it was a very normal, right thing to do. I guess we had prepared our minds for it for a long time, and Rebekah kept filling me in on all of the research she was doing, so when it came time to actually do it, it almost seemed like we had already done it before, so there was nothing to it. She was very calm and in-control about the whole thing, too, so that obviously helped a lot. I must say again that I am married to the awesomest woman on the planet! I guess it really just came down to, do we really want what's best for the baby and for Rebekah, or do we just want to do what feels safe and convenient? Anyway, enough of all that. I'll stop before a sermon breaks out.. :o)
No doctors, no people running around, peace and quiet, and all in the comfort of our own home - what more could anyone ask for?

(Sorry about the weird squeal at the end.. It's not in the original, but I can't get it off of this one... :o( )

I would love to answer any questions I am able. Just leave a comment and I'll comment back. I know that unassisted birth is not for everyone but it was for us so please keep all comment positive :o)


  1. This really was amazing! I had my little one at a birth center with the help of a midfiwe and my hubby, no drugs no nothing. It was the best decision I have ever made. You're so brave and have my admiration. Blessings! Vanessa

  2. Yep... it made me cry (again)!! Tim is right- he is married to the awesomest woman on the planet!! :)

    I love you guys!!


  3. what a great story! my sister is writing a book about the difference between hospital births and nonhospital births, and I'm sure she'd LOVE your input!
    Love your blog! Too cute! I have a little girl, and just had a boy in january, so I am always looking for cute ideas for little boys! It seems like there is SO much more out there and it's so easier to make cute things for girls, so thanks for you boy ideas!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My husband delivered our last 3 children. We chose to stay home and had unassisted births and prenancies. All went well and as you was amazing! I have 7 children...from 13 down to 2...and wouldn't have done it any other way! Home births can be very rewarding and positive. It was for us! I should say that the first 4 were born with the assistance of a midwife. They were all great experiences.
    Congratulations on the birth of your newest son.

  6. Wow, that's so cool! I had my first one at a hospital without pain killers and my second one at a birth center absolutely natural. The last birth was so good that I really wish I had gone that route with the first one too and avoided that bad hospital experience, but.. I liked having an expert (the midwife) around even though she just let me do my own thing. You guys just took it a few notches further :) Brave ones!
