Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bugs Bugs Everywhere

As y'all have probably noticed, my boys LOVE bugs!
I saw THESE that Disney made at Ruffles and Stuff and thought that would be a great fast present for a friend of mine that just told me she was pregnant (and I could make a few extra for my little ones). This is the first toy that I've made for Caleb so far (poor guy, he's 5 months old now and I just got around to making something JUST for him) 

This is the same caterpillar, just different fabric on each side.

I like that it's a caterpillar made with a butterfly print :o)

I didn't use the pattern that Disney gave, but mine looks pretty close. I loved the idea of adding wings for an instant butterfly transformation :o) I plan on trying to make a few different kinds of bugs for my silly boys to play with. It doesn't really matter what I make for them, they just love having something new to keep busy with.

It's nice to have things that can attach with rings. I think next time I'll try to find some little jingle bells to put in the middle for a still somewhat quiet sound :o)

Most people know that I can't stand things that make NOISE! Anything with batteries that ends up at our house only lasts a few minutes before the batteries "get lost," and I tell the boys that they're still fun to play with even without making noises :o)
I love wooden toys! I think that a child's imagination can be used and grow much more when they have to use it to play and not just watch flashing colors or listen to loud sounds. I would rather them play and learn - not just be entertained by something.
But that's just my opinion :o)