Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sewing Wool Diaper Covers

Wow, Caleb is so big already! I guess my babies have never stayed small very long. :o)
I said before that one reason for a leaking diaper is a cover that doesn't fit well. Well, Caleb is between my cover sizes and I can tell because I'm getting peed on :o) My wool cover that works really well is too small, so the diaper sticks out of the legs some, causing leaks. And the one that fits is not wool, and leaks just because it was cheap. So I took the cover that fits but still leaks and used it for a pattern. One day I will find the perfect pattern. I used the arms of a wool sweater that Samuel has a cover out of already. I had to piece a little because the arm wasn't quite big enough.

I sewed the pieces together.

Then sewed around the edge from flap to flap leaving the back middle open and adding elastic where the legs will go.

I turned it right side out and sewed again around the edges, leaving the back open.

Then added velcro to front and sides.

I sewed elastic in the back with a zig-zag stitch.

And it's done!

Now I just lanolize and it's ready to use.
I'll do a post on lanolizing soon.

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